by Mike
(Scotland holiday park)
Please help!
I spotted a young fully furred miniature rabbit under my van at the camp site. At first on the first day I left it alone although it was moving slow and you could easily go up to it without it moving, it seemed ill but I don't know.
The third day I saw it again close to the burrow and loads of flies were coming and going into the hole and they also rested on the small rabbit.
I noticed the rabbit had one eye closed and one half open although Im not sure he could see me.
I looked at Flystrike on this site and wondered if the young rabbit was infested and could drop anytime? anyway it was still moving very slowly around and clumsily, it sat on a road bit and I worried a car would run it over or a bird would attack so I went to it and it did not flinch.
I picked it up and placed it next to the hole again. More flies in and out and sitting on it, wondered if they were dead young inside? anyway about a half hour later I noticed it had sloped and I found it dead which made me very sad.
My question is did the rabbit die from known Flystrike and would that affect its movement and one eye closed and other half open to some state, I would have thought when outside the burrow they would move faster than that, or have I scared it when I moved it back close to its burrow, it seemed fine when I left it there and it continued to move slowly.
Please advise Im very sad today :(
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