What breed is my baby?!

by Jerri
(Portsmouth, UK)

Hi there.

I've had Jenny for about a year now, she is just over a year old.
I have a butterfly lop called Johnny who is bonded with Jenny - he is very obviously a dwarf lop - short face, long ears etc.

Jenny has similar features - the same butterfly markings, lop ears (though hers tend to point outwards more than Johnnys do) but her body shape is very different - she stands a lot taller than lops I've had. She is also a lot larger than other lops I've had. I'd say the biggest difference seems to be her face shape which I tend to describe as 'noble'! It is a lot more pointed and angular than Johnny who is a typical flat faced dwarf lop.

Can anyone give any suggestions?


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Oct 07, 2016
Looks like a pure holland lop NEW
by: Anonymous


Oct 10, 2015
Not to be panic NEW
by: Anonymous

You just don't need to get worry more about them as just to care them as general sense if you remained in worry, there would be different views and points come to you which will feel you more problem. best assignment australia

Jun 11, 2014
lop NEW
by: Anonymous

Your rabbit can be any type of lop.

Jun 03, 2014
french NEW
by: Anonymous

French lop, possibly crossed but looks more pure

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