by Melanie the buny lover🐰💗
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Up to mischief

Up to mischief

I need toilet training skills for my rabbit i first took this rabbit home i don't know her breed but shes now a house pet so I need to know some toilet training tips
I tried reading one of the training articles on this website but it hasn't got this one answer l need to know which ,is How do you no when your rabbit is going to poo and pee?

Peeing is the main thing i want to know how can you tell when she's about to do it this is hard I'm trying to train her how to go on this old scrap book of mine (its opened) any advice?


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Mar 03, 2019
Potty training
by: Anonymous

Rabbits tend to sit with their back ends pushed up against the area they are choosing to urinate on and lean a bit forward. This is true with male and female rabbits. Pooping is quite different, the poop all the time... they are dry so cleaning isn’t a problem. Urin is foul smelling and does stain. Pick up the rabbits poop and put it in their potty. They are very easy to train. Don’t leave shaving any where but their potty. Rabbits will pee anywhere there are shavings or paper bedding. Good luck!

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