Smart bunnys

by zoe
(canada )

I have 2 rabbits chocolate and suger, about 2 and a half years old.
They have escaped from us 3 times before.
Once,they were out of the cage jumping around a lot and we could see them easily.
When it was time to put them away, we got one but we could just not catch the other one, so we left it for a while.
When we went back to catch the other rabbit, we could not find the rabbit at all.
We looked everywhere, but could not find him.
When I went to feed our other rabbit, I saw the one we were looking for in the cage as well!!
It was the only place we hadn't looked.
Anyway, we found where they got out and fixed it.

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Nov 06, 2016
Jumpers NEW
by: Anonymous

Rabbits are very good jumpers. I've had mine in a child pen and they've jumped over the top. I've had one jump up onto my bed every morning. Train them to stay in their pen by putting a board over it at night or clip a blanket over the top at night.

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