Orange with black spots on top/white belly

by Christopher

My rabbit, called,Professor Hopz is a rescue of a rescue,-meaning he was abused, saved and then abused again.
He is the best pet I've ever had, and currently he can do four tricks.
He comes only when I whistle, will walk on hind legs, stands on his toes but goes down on command first, before accepting a treat, and does a basic spin around.
He follows me like a lapdog a lot of the time,and cuddles and wakes me in the morn.
I would like to know what kind of bunny he is please, having a most lovely and unusual pattern-thanks Chris

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Nov 10, 2013
thanks for your reaponse NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the info, hes about a foot long now when he stretches out. Do rabbits usually have this many colors?

Nov 10, 2013
Your rabbit NEW
by: Anonymous

It may be a small mini rex. If so,then it could be a tri colour, cross bred, mini rex
What size is the rabbit?
It will depend on the size, but either way, the rabbit is likely a cross breed.

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