New rabbit from hell

by Piper
(Boise, ID)

Hi there!
I have a male (neutered) holland lop rabbit who is amazing and has never had any behavioural issues but i decided to bond him with a spayed female.

I bought her about two months ago and she is incredibly destructive and chews up my floor boards and walls. she also digs at the litter box and gets her poop and litter everywhere.

I got some wall covers but she has started chewing anything she can find. I’ve tried spraying her with a water bottle when she does
something she shouldn’t be, making a loud noise, putting her in the kennel, etc.

This is the first pair of rabbits I’ve owned so I’m a little lost and not sure what to do. They are free range rabbits but I’m wondering if I should cage her when I’m not home.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you

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