Name that rabbit.

Hello! I am seeking help in identifying the breed of my rabbits. I purchased them in Korea, and wasn't given this information. My rabbits don't look like any of the breeds I have found online, however they do look very similar to the Blanc de Hotot. The difference is that my rabbits also have black edging along their ears. They are about 2 years old and weigh 6-7lbs.
Any ideas?

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Mar 08, 2022
I have one very similar to these bunnies. NEW
by: Diana

These look like the one I just got. I'm trying to determine what it's called came upon maybe a Hotot

Dec 04, 2019
i think i what breed they are! NEW
by: Anonymous

so a English spot mixed with a darf mixed with a mini rex I have the same rabbit

May 17, 2018
I don’t know either NEW
by: Anonymous

I have the exact same rabbit!! I bought her in Korea!

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