by Sandra
Our male Netherland Dwarf is approx 21 weeks old. He is a house rabbit and his litter habits both in and out of the cage have been brilliant.
Nearly 3 weeks ago we had him neutered and now he is weeing all over the cage. When he is out in the kitchen he is weeing 'in the vicinity' of his litter box sometimes.
His litter training didn't need much improving before, we could trust him to use his box for weeing and pooing but we seem to have taken a rather large step back since his op.
This week he has urinated on the floor three times and is pooing all over the place. We counted over 50 last night that he had done in about five mins, all in a pile and all on the carpet!!!!
I have Googled this step backward since the op but can't find anything.
Any help please!
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