How Do I Know If My Bunny Is a Standard?

by LaDawn Ahlborn
(Roseville CA)

Hello everyone

I was told this little bunny was a standard mixed breed. I fell in love with her cuteness right away but now I'm wondering if maybe she is just an older mini-lop.

Is there a way you can tell if a young bunny is going to grow up to be a small or large breed?


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Dec 09, 2016
Thank You, 2ND Anonymous! NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your answer!! And, btw, first Anonymous,that was the cage we brought her home in. She now has a love 4x4 ft. pine cage.....shame on YOU for judging too quickly.

Dec 08, 2016
Why is she in a horrible rusty cage? SHAME ON YOU NEW
by: Anonymous

Why is she in a horrible rusty cage? SHAME ON YOU Poor thing

Oct 08, 2016
Well, NEW
by: Anonymous

Is it a swarf hotot (looks like it)? if so it will be weighing 2.25-3.5 pounds, but with a maximum of 3 pounds for showing.

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