Feeding rabbits hay

I was wondering, can you feed a rabbit too much hay ? How much do i give my rabbit and how often? Also is it okay to give hay to a baby or young rabbit?

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Aug 20, 2013
hay for rabbits
by: Anonymous

Hay is excellent for rabbits in unlimited quantities. You may want to put some in the litter tray (they tend to poo and wee where they eat) and hang some in a hay rack over the tray to keep it clean. I change my rabbits trays about once every two days and just put a handful of hay in a couple of times a day (no rack). Hay helps to wear their teeth down (they grown constantly and need to be worn down). It is also recommended that rabbits are fed an egg cup full of high fibre pellets per day (manufacturers would have you believe that they need more than that, but they do not). Hope that helps.

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