by Maria
My Bunny Rocky
My rabbit is almost a year old. She is a rex and always been loving. She sleeps with me in bed, she plays, she is apparently a normal rabbit. I was laying down with her and she was licking my arm and hopping back and forth over my arm as I pet her and then all of a sudden she put her paws on my arm and starts humping it. I never expected this from a girl bunny so I put her on the floor and went to sleep under my covers. The next night the same thing happened and this time my reaction was that I lightly hit her rump, not as hard as I would dogs(I am used to this dog wise because I used to have dogs). She stopped and went to my feet. Next night the same thing happened, but not very long, then last night it didn't happen.
My bunny and I have a close relationship. I rescued her from a petting zoo that had her in a show cage with 4 other grown rabbits as a baby. She had sores and a nick in her ear. I love animals so she is my baby. She does this long side fluff hop, she snuggles, she is spoiled food wise and very curious. She has never bit me she has accidentally scratched me. I love my bunny just the way she is and have A LOT of friends who want one like her and we don't have petting stores near here that have bunnies, so I want to breed her once the humping stops. What should I do?
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