Clicking Teeth!

by Smaa

Hello everybody...
I had a one month old bunny - female - that died suddenly. She had a yellowish-brown liquid coming out of her bum but I wasn't able to get her to a vet immediately. She had a fit and died there in my arms in less than a minute!

My concern is for my other bunny though. Got them from the same pen the same day and they totally loved each other! He was always cheerful, running around and doing binkies here and there but after she died he has been much calmer and way more quieter than he used to be, clearly distressed over what happened.

He has been clicking his teeth loudly and he would abruptly blink - as if scared - when he does that sometimes. He still eats and drinks, comes over for me to pet him and cuddle him most of the time now (something he would rarely do when she was still around)!

He usually does that clicking when he is sitting on my lap or when I'm giving him a gentle pet. Other than the clicking and being quieter than he was before, he seems just fine.

I'm concerned for him. Is he just mourning or is it something else? I have no idea! But I'd really appreciate your help guys!

I didn't have the chance to leave the body of his friend with him so he would grasp what happened to her. Didn't know I should do that, to be honest, and buried her right away - first time rabbits that's why.

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